Benefits Of Residential Self-Redevelopment
The concept of Self-Redevelopment of ones’ own residential society is an enormously beneficial procedure for the members. But in todays time and scenario are you aware of the remarkable‘New Ways’ to Self Redevelop your society with full control and maximum benefits?
Double Area Than A Builder
Direct Control of the process
More Funds
Timeley Rent
Utilitarian Amenities For The Society
Enhanced Communal Living
Property Rights In The Name Of The Society
Transparency In Process
Challeges Of Residential Self-Redevelopment
Due to lack of information and Self Redevelopment of residential societies still being at a nascent stage there aren’t too many success stories to prove its credibility. Due to which Self redevelopment seems like a big hurdle for many.The society needs an efficient professional team which has thorough knowledge from start to handover to make it a success.

Collaboration with Real Estate Consultancy Firms for Marketing and Sales
We will organize a focused workshop involving all members of the community to listen attentively to your needs. We aim to understand your deepest aspirations for a home and then craft a personalized design that allows you and your family to thrive and prosper.
We give importance to your requirements using our special IMK scrum process and create a design that is specific to your community. With our experience and creativity, we offer a strategic vision for your project, aiming for its genuine success.
Integrated Approach
We believe in designing holistic buildings that inspires the user and evoke a feeling of awe within them. Our major focus lies on optimization of spaces, services and ensure a cost-effective design. We aim at planning a structurally viable building which is robust and built on schedule